Created by the Value Team at Schroders, the Value Perspective podcast takes a look at decision making in complex and uncertain environments.

Monday Aug 10, 2020
The Value Perspective with Sean Sutcliffe, CEO of Oxford Space Systems
Monday Aug 10, 2020
Monday Aug 10, 2020
Juan and Andrew met with Sean Sutcliffe, the CEO of Oxford Space Systems, to learn how he deals with uncertainty not only in a start up business but also in a complex environment like space.
01:12 Introduction
01:47 How does uncertainty impact a space start up?
03:41 Balancing market and technical uncertainties
05:33 Start-ups vs incumbents: Finding success through exploiting niches
08:14 How do you instil patience in investors over long timelines in a short-term focus environment?
12:30 Utilising milestones to help investors understand the component of time.
14:15 How the scientific approach to engineering testing aligns with market testing
17:49 Coping with failure and unexpected surprises
20:21 Understanding when you need to make a change in direction
24:33 Removing bias from investment cases – the human element in company management
26:51 When a good decision has a bad outcome
29:16 How do you build a successful team?
32:07 Book recommendation
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